EDDM is a special gift of the U.S. Postal Service to local retailers, businesses, private/parochial schools, and professional service providers. We’ll help you unwrap that gift and put it to great use!
Let’s say you’re looking for a medium to showcase your terrific upcoming sales event, or to attract customers or clients to your business, or to offer an incentive for shoppers to visit your store.
EDDM, Every Door Direct Mail, enables a mailing piece to be delivered to homes in your area for an unbelievable postage cost of just 17.7 cents per piece. You’ll be able to reach households having the age range, family size, and income level that you wish to target. And without the time and expense involved in renting a mailing list or compiling names and addresses!
Of all the advertising media out there, Direct Mail achieves a) the greatest impact; b) the ability to target the prospects you most want to reach; c) measurable results; d) superior staying power; and e) the highest return on a modest investment. EDDM is the most affordable and efficient way to conduct your Direct Mail Campaign.
There are just 2 steps involved in executing a successful EDDM campaign. First, we work with you to design a brilliant, eye-catching, full color mailing piece – on a postcard as large as 6.25” x 12”, or on a flyer as large as 12” x 15”.
Next, sitting together at our computers we select the postal routes, within a radius of 1 to 3 miles of your business, which reach the households having the characteristics which are most important to you.
And that’s it! We take care of all the rest. We’ll print the mailing pieces, bundle them according to Postal regulations, and deliver them to your selected Post Office/s. Allow at least 12 business days for the printing, EDDM processing, and delivery to the Post Office/s.
Or, you can save time and money by bundling the mailers and delivering them yourself to your local post office. We’ll help you fill out the forms and go through the entire process. It’s not difficult, and you can do it on your own time schedule.
If this program sounds terrific to you, please give us a call at 800.675.2675. After receiving your input we’ll design a proof and send it to print only after it meets with your whole-hearted approval.