Nowadays, when we open our emails we’re greeted with a flood of messages, clobbering us with special offers, advice, screaming headlines, banner ads, reminders to buy items we already received weeks ago, and so forth.
If you’re like me, your first task is to…click-delete, click-delete, click-delete….. All that e-mail becomes a mind-boggling overload of information which we can’t begin to absorb.
On the other hand, because of the shift to electronic multi-media, Direct Mail, the kind your mailperson delivers to your door, has slimmed down to a manageable, easily sorted pile.
And, if that collection contains one of our thick, glossy, high-color Plastic Pop-Out Mailers, you can be sure it will capture attention.
Obviously, holiday events, Mother’s & Father’s Days, Valentine’s Day are all important times to reach out to your audience. A May/June mailing, which will combine upcoming graduations with wedding events, is certainly an ideal time to encourage visits to your store.
No reminder, delivered by U.S. mail, is more novel and exciting than one of our Pop-Out Mailers. Who can resist separating those pop-out cards and then making use of them?
But, you ask “Isn’t direct mail expensive?”
Not really! From the standpoint of return on investment, direct mail is actually the cheapest way to advertise. Repeated studies have demonstrated that Direct Mail is an amazingly cost-efficient way to reach your target audience.
We offer Pop-Out Mailers in a wide variety of sizes and configurations. In consultation with you, we’ll combine our years of design expertise with your ideas and images to create a Mailer that will dazzle the eye. We’ll also handle the mailing, using either your own data base, or selected mailing lists in your locale.
You know best when to communicate with your customers and neighbors. We’re here to help you do so in the most effective way possible. For more information, please visit our link at, or call us at 800.675.2675.